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Video : What documents do I need for crowdfunding?

India from ISQ Crowdfunding highlights the essential documents you need to start your own crowdfunding campaign or to get funding.

Hi, my name is India and I work at ISQ crowdfunding. ISQ is a crowdfunding specialist and we help business leaders to raise investment from the crowd. So, what documents do you need to start your own crowdfunding campaign or to get funding? Ideally, you need two or three fit for purpose investor documents. So, simply writing a business plan here is not enough. We advise that you have an investor deck, an investment one-pager, and a key business information document which answers very important.

and frequently asked questions from investors really clearly and succinctly that you can use throughout. You can use all of these documents throughout the funding round to help bring investors on board. So, you’ll be using these documents to promote your investment opportunity and to secure investment for your raise. They’ll usually be sent out to your network. That’s both the network that you have now, and the network that you grow, and you engage with along the way. But these documents could also be used to secure angel investors or VCs. The purpose of sending these documents out and securing investment prior to actually launching on a platform of your choosing, is to make your crowdfunding campaign look as strongly validated as possible, and really importantly to validate things, things like your valuation for example, to new investors that you haven’t met yet. This is so that you launch with confidence and you’ll be able to attract new investors from the platforms crowd, that actually haven’t seen your deck before. And the aim of that is to reach your target quickly and over-fund. That’s one of the things that we do, we help you to create these investor documents you need to either fundraise privately and close the round with someone like seed legals, or to take on a highly successful equity crowdfunding campaign on Crowdkeep or Seedrs.

If you’re thinking you may already have these documents, what we would likely  do is work through these with you to ensure that their repurposed to fit crowdfunding audience. You might also have different levels of information in your business that you use depending on which audience you’re speaking to. Many different types of investors will be joining your campaign, some will be seasoned investors who look at these decks all day long and know what they’re talking about, but most of them are really going to be the general public. So if you over complicate these things, the smaller investors might get a little bit overwhelmed, or just not really understand what it is that they’re looking at and they might turn away. So we would recommend tailoring all of your documents to the lowest level, but having addendums or additional details available on request for those who want to dig into a little bit of detail. These crowdfunding specific versions should be the versions really for the average Joe in the street. If you’re interested in hearing more and want support in creating your investor documents for a funding round that you might close privately, or that you might take live on one of the platforms, please get in touch with us.

ISQ is a crowdfunding specialist and we help business leaders to raise investment from the crowd.

Video: What documents do I need for crowdfunding?

India from ISQ Crowdfunding highlights the essential documents you need to start your own crowdfunding campaign or to get funding.

Hi, my name is India and I work at ISQ crowdfunding. ISQ is a crowdfunding specialist and we help business leaders to raise investment from the crowd. So, what documents do you need to start your own crowdfunding campaign or to get funding? Ideally, you need two or three fit for purpose investor documents. So, simply writing a business plan here is not enough. We advise that you have an investor deck, an investment one-pager, and a key business information document which answers very important.

and frequently asked questions from investors really clearly and succinctly that you can use throughout. You can use all of these documents throughout the funding round to help bring investors on board. So, you’ll be using these documents to promote your investment opportunity and to secure investment for your raise. They’ll usually be sent out to your network. That’s both the network that you have now, and the network that you grow, and you engage with along the way. But these documents could also be used to secure angel investors or VCs. The purpose of sending these documents out and securing investment prior to actually launching on a platform of your choosing, is to make your crowdfunding campaign look as strongly validated as possible, and really importantly to validate things, things like your valuation for example, to new investors that you haven’t met yet. This is so that you launch with confidence and you’ll be able to attract new investors from the platforms crowd, that actually haven’t seen your deck before. And the aim of that is to reach your target quickly and over-fund. That’s one of the things that we do, we help you to create these investor documents you need to either fundraise privately and close the round with someone like seed legals, or to take on a highly successful equity crowdfunding campaign on Crowdkeep or Seedrs.

If you’re thinking you may already have these documents, what we would likely  do is work through these with you to ensure that their repurposed to fit crowdfunding audience. You might also have different levels of information in your business that you use depending on which audience you’re speaking to. Many different types of investors will be joining your campaign, some will be seasoned investors who look at these decks all day long and know what they’re talking about, but most of them are really going to be the general public. So if you over complicate these things, the smaller investors might get a little bit overwhelmed, or just not really understand what it is that they’re looking at and they might turn away. So we would recommend tailoring all of your documents to the lowest level, but having addendums or additional details available on request for those who want to dig into a little bit of detail. These crowdfunding specific versions should be the versions really for the average Joe in the street. If you’re interested in hearing more and want support in creating your investor documents for a funding round that you might close privately, or that you might take live on one of the platforms, please get in touch with us.

ISQ is a crowdfunding specialist and we help business leaders to raise investment from the crowd.

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